Dear Friends,

First, I want to thank you for your incredible generosity to Emergency Food Network in 2018.
Thanks to you, we were able to distribute more than 13.7 million pounds of food to our 71 partner programs, increase our Co-op Food Purchasing Program, and distribute over 115,000 pounds of organically grown produce from our Mother Earth Farm.
It was a great year of learning, growth, new partners, and new opportunities. Thank you for supporting us in 2018 and continuing to work with us in 2019.
As we start 2019, we want you to know that we are here for our neighbors in need. We are planning to expand services to at least 5 additional food pantries in the first quarter, we are strategizing with our partners on how to be ready for the additional need if the government shutdown continues, and we are seeking and gaining new partners to donate food.
We recognize that EFN is a core component of the Pierce County safety net and we are grateful that you continue to support our mission so that no one goes hungry.
Happy New Year!

Michelle Douglas
Executive Director